March 27–29, 2018

During spring break (March 27–29, 2018), BIDS hosted the first annual Graphs Across Domains (GraphXD) workshop.


Invited Participants

  • Katelyn Arnemann (Neuroscience, UC Berkeley)
  • Carl Boettiger (Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, UC Berkeley)
  • Seth Bromberger (Critical Infrastructure Security, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  • Aydın Buluç (Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  • Thomas Caswell (National Synchrotron Light Source II, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
  • Rob Fatland (Research Computing, University of Washington)
  • Jessica Forde (Jupyter)
  • Kimon Fountoulakis (Statistics and ICSI, UC Berkeley)
  • Marília Palumbo Gaiarsa (Entomology, UC Riverside)
  • Jason Grout (Scientific Software, Bloomberg)
  • Aric Hagberg (Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  • Chris Holdgraf (Berkeley Institute of Data Science, UC Berkeley)
  • Paul Ivanov (Scientific Software, Bloomberg)
  • Caigui Jiang (ICSI Vision Group, UC Berkeley)
  • Rasmus Kyng (Theory of Computation, Harvard University)
  • Rachel Lawrence (Computer Science, UC Berkeley)
  • Mike MacNeil (Data Analysis and Visualization, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  • Charlotte Mazel-Cabasse (Berkeley Institute of Data Science, UC Berkeley)
  • Dmitriy Morozov (Data Analysis and Visualization, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  • Rajarshi Mukherjee (Biostatistics, UC Berkeley)
  • Soumendu Mukherjee (Statistics, UC Berkeley)
  • Russell Neches (Biochemistry & Biophysics, UC San Francisco)
  • M Pacer (Berkeley Institute of Data Science, UC Berkeley)
  • Lauren Ponisio (Entomology, UC Riverside)
  • Nick Ryder (Mathematics, UC Berkeley)
  • Aaron Schild (Computer Science, UC Berkeley)
  • Ludwig Schmidt (Computer Science, MIT)
  • Dan Schult (Mathematics, Colgate University)
  • Camille Scott (Computer Science, UC Davis)
  • Deborah Sunter (Energy and Resources, UC Berkeley)
  • Daniela Ushizima (Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  • Maryam Vareth (Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, UC San Francisco)
  • Chris Warner (Biophysics, UC Berkeley)
  • Brian Xia (Artificial and Human Intelligence, Siemens)
  • Stella Yu (Computer Science, Vision Science, and ICSI Vision Group, UC Berkeley)